Moment of Impact 9/11 - Glass installation by Lynn Rivers
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The overview contains an image of each panel, a short description and an index of further information about that panel throughout the website. Following on, there is a summary of Moment of Impact 9/11.

Panels 1 to 9 of Moment of Impact 9/11

Panel 1 - click for details

Panel 1
This panel is about the other two planes, Flights 77 and 93, that crashed on 9/11. Chaotic scenes of an interior of a plane dominate this panel. The near vertical fall leads to a target sight which frames an image of the Pentagon. The panel refrains from specific details because there was less visual material available, less TV airtime was given to these crashes, but also because much remains to be debated.

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1. Art Influences: 3. Final subject for Moment of Impact 9/11
2. Visual Themes 3: Words 4 Visualising the Unseen & Immediate Communications


Panel 2

Panel 2
The top of the panel features the Statue of Liberty. The crown's points are in a polluted blue sky with the word ‘courage’ split across three points to read: ‘c - our – rage’. The crown has a series of TV screens with the words ‘Live TV’. One of Liberty’s eyes stares in disbelief; it is separated by the use of a strong diagonal from the other eye which is angry. Under the eyes is a staircase with a fireman's legs moving across and towards the centre of the explosion (as shown across the adjacent panels). Beneath these legs there is a change in perspective with clouds that swept through the streets as the Twin Towers collapsed, with people escaping towards the viewer.

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1. Visual themes 2: Firemen and …
2. Visual themes 3: 2. Word Manipulation
1. Visual themes 3: 3. Complexities


Panel 3

Panel 3
The collapse of the towers has been symbolised by taking an architectural feature from the top of the buildings and combining it with the shape of an arrow. The scale of the building is contrasted with human scale. Hands are a major theme, specifically because of their proximity to the burning apple in Panel 4, and are visualised in a variety of guises. (more...) The bottom half of the panel contains a figurative scene, where a man is hopelessly clutching on to the disintegrating building, which is juxtaposed by life-size hands that are repeated as they slide down the glass.

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1. Art Influences: 6. Jasper Johns
2. Visual Themes 2: Firemen and…


Panel 4

Panel 4
Panels 4 and 6 contain the main feature of Moment of Impact 9/11 which was initiated during the evening of 9/11. The title from Roy Lichtenstein’s Pop Art painting Whaam! when divided in two became Wha which sounded like someone falling from a building and the idea of a baby crying the next morning for his missing or dead parents AM! – which occurs in Panel 6. (more...) The plane in the left half of an apple-shaped piece of glass is based on the first news reports which speculated that the Tower had been hit by a light aircraft. The top of the Towers in Panel 4 and 6 are represented in a diachroic glass.

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1. Story of the Work: Wha AM!
2. FAQ’s: How did you Make the Images in Glass?
3. Visual Themes 1: The Buildings and their Structure/Abstract Qualities of the Glass
4. Visual Themes 1: The Buildings and their Structure/Panels 4 & 9.


Panel 5

Panel 5
This is about the idea of implosion as well as explosion. It has a body falling in the centre. The buildings’ shape is repeated from an upward-looking perspective.

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1. Visual Themes 1: The Buildings and their Structure/Abstract Qualities of the Glass


Panel 6

Panel 6
In the right half of the apple (See Panel 4) there is a jumbo jet in which hijackers are fighting passengers and crew as it hits its target. It also contains an apple leaf and a screaming head.

View detailed images
1. Story of the Work: Wha AM!
2. FAQs: How did you Make the Images in Glass?
3. Visual Themes 1: The Buildings and their Structure/Abstract Qualities of the Glass
4. Visual Themes 3: Words/1. Scale
4. Visual Themes 3: Words/5. Repetition (panels 6&7)


Panel 7

Panels 7 & 8
These two panels are about the chaos within the office spaces. A staircase runs through the two panels, which both include finely detailed images of contemporary objects, such as mobile phones. References to the paperless office are made.

Panels 7
The fireman's legs ascending are repeated, going towards the centre of the explosion.

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1. Visual Themes 2: Firemen and…
2. Visual Themes Words/5. Repetition (panels 6&7)


Panel 8

Panels 7 & 8
These two panels are about the chaos within the office spaces. A staircase runs through the two panels, which both include finely detailed images of contemporary objects, such as mobile phones. References to the paperless office are made.

Panels 8
This has a strong vertical band in which a repeated image of a person and a chair falls. It references paintings by Jasper Johns. There is a different rate of descent in this panel compared with the body in Panel 5 and to the interior of the plane in Panel 1.

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1. Art Influences/6. Jasper Johns


Panel 9

Panels 9
A huge cloud, larger than the panel itself, descends into total small-scale chaos. A few images from the centre apple panels are quoted. The speech bubbles contain references to the Mayor, President and Father Mychal. Amongst the chaos is a larger area with images of the distinctive skeleton of the buildings.

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1. Visual Themes: The Buildings and their Structure/ 2. Panels 4&9
2. Visual Themes: The Buildings and their Structure/ 3. Panel 9
3. Visual Themes 3: words/6. No portraits



There is one large overarching impression of the Moment of Impact 9/11 across nine panels, incorporating 300 individual pieces with minutely detailed imagery, each with their own moment of impact. The work refers the official media story, as I was a TV/media witness like millions of others. It is not a chronology nor does it illustrate the story.

I wanted to reflect my concerns with the incomplete stories that I had seen. In fact, every piece contains an incomplete story and likewise the entire piece of work is also an incomplete story. I have included things that weren’t photographed, or didn’t survive, for example the interior of descending planes in Panel 1. I didn’t have my own photographs of this so I decided to create my own images. I also wanted to make ‘small’ references to contemporary society; things become highlighted when tragedy strikes, and the potential longevity of the glass panels made me more aware of this.

The drawn images are made in flashed glass. (more...) The other types of glass selected for their abstract patterning included an iridised black which looks like aeroplane fuel/chemicals; and a diachroic ripple which was used to symbolise the towers. (more...). A specially produced batch of glass with red trails through clear made by English Antique Glass, which I renamed 'blood glass', is used throughout the panels. (more...) A significant reason for combining the abstract with the flashed glass was that the abstract glass has a different visual depth to their effects.

Moment of Impact 9/11 is overidingly a response to the horror of man’s inhumanity.

If you are interested to find out more, please contact the artist
Moment of Impact 9/11 is now seeking a permanent home contact us.

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Panel: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Summary
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